This is a very unhappy birthday, indeed. What do you all think about the start of season 6? Did Joey overreact? Did the writers blow up this ship too quickly? Are Jensen Ackles' shoulders too broad for the Dawson's Creek universe, like Charles thinks?
From Charles: "Really, our rushing this episode was a meta analysis of the way Dawson’s Creek writers wrote these two episodes. Seriously though, I cannot imagine going to bed after watching these two episodes."
Episode links:
- 'Dawson's Creek' Reboot: Will The Show Be Resurrected? (We didn't talk about this this week, but it seems eternally relevant to talk about...)
Got something to say? Leave it in the comments below, or you can email us at, call us at 732-98-CREEK, or find us at @dawsonsspeakpod on Twitter and Facebook.
I haven't finished the episode yet, but I wanted to comment on why they were filming in Boston. I can't remember which episode it was mentioned in (because I have no restraint and watch a minimum of 4 episodes in a sitting, it seems) but I think the movie is supposed to be about a fictional resurgence of the Boston Strangler, so filming there makes sense for location shots.
ReplyDeleteThat makes sense, but if they wanted to shoot exteriors for a Cape Cod style house, why not film on location on the cape? And it would have taken the set department WAY more time and energy to build an exact replica of Dawson's house than to just build something generic. It was clearly just the writers' taking the opportunity to use their existing sets and pretend that it was a movie that Dawson was working on.
DeleteThis episode was the most frustrating episode of the series. From the pilot, we have been teased with Dawson/Joey; it was supposed to be one of the central long-term story lines across 6 seasons -- not only do they blow it up for no discernible reason, but they introduce Eddy, clearly as a potential for Joey, so the writers are not even subtle about ending DJ. I'm not a shipper (except Jack/Tobey), so I don't care how things end up -- but this hook-up just to break-up made absolutely no sense within the CreekVerse. It kept taking me out of the show when I first watched it (and subsequently) because I was thinking about what the writers were trying to do, and not what the characters were doing.
ReplyDeleteAlso what's with the casual homophobia thrown around in this ep (suit looks gay / lesbian couple stereotypes) ? - It CAN be funny or informative of a character, but it was neither. It wasn't that it was nasty - it was the laziness of it that irked me. The writers of season 6 really liked the lazy light-weight homophobic stuff.
Definitely lazy, and probably NOT what either Kevin Williamson or Greg Berlanti would've wanted for the show!!
DeleteI can’t believe you have yet to comment about Pacey’s season 6 facial hair! I like it at first, but was glad when it was shaved off for a beautiful kiss...
ReplyDeleteI hate it but I do think it's worth having if ONLY for that scene. #bestsceneoftheshow
DeleteLOL we will finally address it in our 6x03 episode, out Monday!!!
DeleteGoing into this season, I thought it was already known that this would be the last season. I'm wondering why they brought in SO MANY new characters, some of which we haven't even met yet! I had forgotten how rough the first half of season 6 was. I haven't watched season 5 or 6 since they were regularly playing in syndication on TBS, so it feels like I'm watching these episodes again for the first time, and it's just... awful.
ReplyDeleteAlso, can we talk about how in the last episode, Joey is all mopey because nobody acknowledged it was the day before her birthday? Like Joey, no, your friends did not forget your birthday. It's not your birthday yet! And then swooning over Dawson's gift of an airport snow globe and a fruit basket that he probably double regifted from Todd? What a sentimental and meaningful gift...
Hah OMG yes! Joey saying that Dawson was the only one who remembered her birthday was insane. And Dawson's gifts sucked. Even if those grapes did cost $100....LOL.
DeleteThe first half of season 6 is painful, but you only have 12 more episodes until it gets watchable again, so...just hang on until December. We will suffer through it with you both.
ReplyDeleteTo answer your questions:
What do you all think about the start of season 6?
Honestly, it feels as if everyone involved has checked out, and are just going through the motions of getting another season of the show on the air. IIRC the core actors' contracts all expired after six seasons and they all wanted to move on, so they knew this was the ending. The writers were clearly checking boxes (D/J sleep together) and recycling plotlines that had already been done to death (e.g. Joey's antagonist-turns-into-a-love-interest, which I feel like is only a thing because they were trying to recreate PayJo without actually recognising what made that ship work so well (mutual respect beneath the banter, actual chemistry between the leads) and thinking 'if we have a new hot boy that Joey is bitchy to, the audience will love it when they eventually hook up'. Spoiler alert, nobody cared.) An interview with the writers at ComiCon a while back also revealed that Pacey's stockbroker storyline was introduced because the writers were all massive fans of the Boiler Room. I hate it - get Pacey back in the kitchen where he belongs! ;)
Did Joey overreact?
Nah, I don't think so. She got a bit hysterical about it, but her reasoning was legit. Dawson cheated on his girlfriend in order to sleep with Joey, which was a pretty shitty thing to do (for both girls).
Did the writers blow up this ship too quickly?
Honestly I think their only mistake was bringing it back at all. That ship should have sunk back in season 3, and the way they keep dragging it back to the surface and casually patching it up before immediately sinking it again is tedious and has me reaching for the FFWD button. (I'll be honest, I always start season 6 at episode 14, so I barely remember these opening eps.)
Are Jensen Ackles' shoulders too broad for the Dawson's Creek universe, like Charles thinks?
Hah. No. But I had an enormous crush on Jensen at the time this aired (shoutout to Dark Angel, still my favourite role of his), and it's still amazing to me how they managed to sap him of all his charisma and appeal. CJ is supposed to be a good guy, but I think Charles' mistrust is well placed. He's a scumbag, and it's sad that Jen gets stuck with him for the rest of the season. #JusticeforJen
Charles would like to apologize for saying Jensen Ackles' shoulders are too broad.
DeleteHaha no need - his broad shoulders are the best thing about CJ honestly ;)